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Am I Misrepresenting The Steps Required For Societal Change? (Storytelling Part 2)

Thank you to Adrian Lopera-Valle for sending me down this rabbit hole with the question, "How can we better utilize storytelling to encourage circular behavior change?" Welcome to my second ramble-y, inconclusive thought process on this topic. :) Necessary Disclaimer / Trigger Warning:  The below points are being viewed ONLY through the lens of climate impacts. One of the things mentioned below is regarding elective surgeries (specifically cosmetic surgeries). It is important to realize that while this article addresses this in a black-and-white manner, that same reasoning can not be utilized in decision-making. Soo many elective surgeries - including those performed by plastic surgeons - are necessary for quality of life, or for medical reasons that are simply not included in the definitions utilized by MSP. Examples of this include dental surgeries, nerve ablation, gastric bypass, and breast reconstruction. "The term elective surgery covers a wide range of operations s

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